Quiz on Renaissance in India (Religious and Social Reformers in India)

This quiz is designed to assess your basic knowledge in ‘Indian History- Renaissance of India (Religious and Social Reformers in India)’. Choose the best answer from the four options given. When you've finished answering as many of the questions as you can, scroll down to the bottom of the page and check your answers by clicking ' Get Score'. Percentage score will be displayed along with right answers.

1. Who is known as ‘Priest of Dakshineswar’?
Swami Vivekanadan
Sreeramakrishna Paramahamsar
Swami Dayananda Saraswathi
E V Ramaswami Naicker
2. Who Started Prarthana Samaj (1867)?
Jyotiba Phule
Atmaram Pandurang
Agni Hotri
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
3.Who is the father of Indian renaissance?
Gopan Hari Deshmukh
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Swami Vivekanandan
Mahatma Gandhi
4. Famous Chicago Speech by Swami Vivekanandan
1893 September 11
1897 September 11
1893 November 11
1893 December 11
5. The Famous slogan of Dayananda Saraswathi was?
India for Indians
Back to India
Jai Bharath
Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
6. Pick out the wrong one?
Jyotiba Phule- Sathyashodhak Samaj (1873)
Keshab Chandra Sen- Veda Samaj (1864)
Shiv Narayan Agni Hotri - Dev Samaj (1887)
Swami Vivekanandan- Ramakrishna Mission(1897)
7. Who is the author of ‘Satyartha Prakash’?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Swami Vivekanandan
Swami Dayananda Saraswathi
None of these
8. Who started 'Tattwabodhini Sabha'?
Kesava Chandra Sen
Debendra Nath Tagore
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
M G Ranade
9. Who were the major leaders of Prarthana Samaj?
M G Ranade and Jyotirao Phule
Naryan Agni Hotri and Pandurang
M G Ranade and R G Bhandarkar
Debendra Nath Tagore and Kesava Chandra Sen
10. Shudhi movement started by
Swami Vivekanandan
Swami Dayananda Saraswathi
Swami Abhedananda
Sri Aurobindo
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