HomeWorld Geography Quiz World Geography Quiz 1.Before being renamed, Mount Everest wa simply known as........ Peak IX Peak XII Peak XV Peak VI 2.The sargasso Sea is a part of the Arctic ocean South Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean North Atlantic Ocean 3.Where is the Sahara desert Located South Africa Iran North Africa Australia 4.Which of the following human races has woolly hairs Negroid Mangoloid Caucasoid Australoid 5.The Galapagos ridge found in Indian Ocean Carribean Ocean Atlantic ocean Pacific Ocean 6.Mariana Trench is located in the ocean floor of Southern Atlantic ocean Western Pacific ocean Eastern Pacific Ocean Northern Atlantic Ocean 7.Which one of the following pairs is not correcly matched? Amman -Jordan Bishkek--Tajikistan Sanaa -Yemen Ullan Bator- Mongolia 8.The largest country island of Asia is Sri Lanka Myanmar Indonesia Borneo 9.The Red river Delta is present in Japan Vietnam Malaysias Indonesia 10.Which one of the following countries has the highest number of Islands Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Indonesia Score = Correct answers: Tags: World Geography Quiz World Quiz Facebook Twitter